Els cellers La Gutina, Castelló-Murphy, Vinyes Tortuga, Roger Viusà Vinyataire i RIM s’uneixen per crear el primer Cicle de ...
Presentada a la secció oficial del festival de Màlaga després d’haver sigut seleccionada en els certàmens de Toronto, ...
Un gol de l'uruguaià a la segona part dona un punt al Girona contar un València que s'havia avançat poc abans en un partit ...
El plenari del 30è Congrés Nacional d’Esquerra Republicana ha aprovat la ponència estratègica del partit amb el 92,3% dels ...
Here are the violations reported in food safety inspection reports from Montgomery County conducted the week of March 9-15, ...
2 – certified food protection manager Comments: Facility lacking a Certified Food Sanitation Manager (CFSM) issued by Montgomery County Office of Public Health (MCOPH) or previous certificate ...
Not many animals can expand and shrink their bodies at will. However, marine iguanas possess this ability. In times of food scarcity, their bodies actually get smaller so that they require less ...
Football has always been part of Bo Levi Mitchell’s DNA. In this episode of Unreal Stories, he takes us back to his roots in Texas, where the game was more than just a sport but the whole town ...