Residents packed Saline City Hall to discuss options for the aging landmark and potential impacts on local businesses and ...
City officials weigh removal, replacement, or repair of deteriorating Saline River Dam as new study explores costs and ...
Panaji: Officials in the state are now waiting for the Amthane dam water levels to dip to carry out the repairs on the dam ...
According to DNR Fisheries, repairing Trout Lake dam could cost over $2 million and would likely only solve the problem for a few years.
HYDERABAD: Expressing concern over the deterioration of the dam and risks to its safety, the National Dam Safety Authority ...
Residents and visitors downstream from Table Rock Dam should keep a close eye on water levels, the U.S. Army Corps of ...
The Four Lakes Task Force has obtained the final permit for the Edenville Dam, completing the permitting process for all four ...
Spring is right around the corner and with the change in season comes an increased chance for inclement and dangerous weather ...
VILLUPURAM: District collector, S Sheik Abdul Rahman on Thursday, visited the Ellis Chatram check-dam at Yenathimangalam village to inspect ongoing repair activities after the dam was damaged by ...
Structural defects and contractor delays now threaten Uganda’s energy future Kampala, Uganda | JULIUS BUSINGE | The Isimba ...
With tears in their eyes, mothers of children who died in Brazil's worst environmental disaster - the 2015 Mariana dam ...
The project office is actively working to restore the downstream warning horn but a timeline for the repair or replacement is not available. The horn at the dam continues to function and will ...