This week's column addresses when to pinch back annual and perennial flowers, characteristics of a good potting mix and ...
No relationship to the phlox other than the likeness of the little ... calibrachoa and Supertunia Royal Magenta petunia. The color mix is simply amazing and reminiscent of a display of fine ...
Although it is really chartreuse, this elephant ear's value to the landscape is pure gold--Royal Hawaiian Maui Gold, to be more specific.
The hot, dry days of summer are coming, but you can have vibrant foundation plants and ground covers without fighting against ...
Certain flowers such as asters, mums, bee balm, and phlox benefit greatly from being ... indoors would be a commercially-produced, soilless mix formulated specifically for starting seeds.
Hummingbirds are on the move back to the United States after spending the winter in Mexico and Central America. Here's how ...