Osde significa Organización de Servicios Directos Empresarios, y Binario implica una relación entre dos: socios y prestadores. Con el objetivo de generar un vínculo ideal, la empresa cuenta con un ...
It also includes an overview of world religions. First reported by Oklahoma Watch, the OSDE is looking specifically for “biblical content that demonstrates how biblical figures influenced the ...
OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – The State Department of Education is now looking for suppliers to get bible lessons in Oklahoma elementary school curriculum, per a recent request for proposal from the ...
The Oklahoma Supreme Court has temporarily blocked State Superintendent Ryan Walters' plan to use taxpayer money to purchase Bibles for public schools. The Supreme Court's decision was based upon ...
particularly within the Oklahoma Social Studies Standards (as noted in previous OSDE guidance); this has not changed. Mustang Public Schools Board Policy #1092 clearly outlines the role of ...
OSDE, Swiss Medical, Omint, Galeno y Medifé ya confirmaron aumento cero para aquellos beneficiarios que, antes de la medida del Gobierno Nacional, triangulaban con una Obra Social. Esto se dio a ...
La medida se implementa el primer día de 2024 Jade y Claudio, la pareja que celebró su casamiento no binario: cómo enfrentan la mirada de la sociedad Jade fue una de las primeras 15 personas ...
The Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) is investigating after receiving reports of abuse at Okmulgee High School. Allegations involving repeat infractions were received through OSDE's ...
OSDE -en alianza con el Municipio de Bahía Blanca- informó que pone a disposición su servicio de Consulta Médica Online (CMO) a los habitantes de la ciudad y alrededores afectados por la inundación, ...
“This is a mess,” said Mann (D-OKC). Mann, a former Oklahoma City Public Schools board member and former OSDE employee, continued with his opinion on what the standards should be. “Teach the ...
The child is 5 years old, OSDE officials said. "The safety and well-being of our students are our top priority," said State Superintendent Ryan Walters in the statement. "lf an educator shows signs of ...
Con ellos se podrá hacer la consulta mediante videollamada -con todas las medidas de seguridad provistas por el aplicativo de OSDE- o, si llegara a haber problemas de conectividad, por teléfono.