Dissatisfaction with Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba has begun to surface within the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, as a sense of crisis is growing ahead of this ...
A lawmaker of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party called Wednesday for the replacement of Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba, ...
Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba is arranging to attend a memorial service later this month at the site of a fierce World War II battle with the United States on Iwoto Island, sources close to ...
He plans to attend a joint Japan-U.S. memorial service on March 29, which would make him the first Japanese prime minister ...
The ruling party’s decision to field former party lawmaker Mio Sugita in the Upper House election this summer has generated a ...
This was supposed to be a year to celebrate the improvement of relations between South Korea and Japan. However, amid the ...
Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba told U.S. President Donald Trump that Japan wants to buy U.S.-made C-17 military transport ...
As reasons for the about-face, the government cited the need to ensure stable electricity supplies and secure carbon-free ...
A lawmaker of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party called Wednesday for the replacement of Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba, expressing concern that ... a faction led by the late Prime Minister Shinzo ...
Tokyo, March 13 (Jiji Press)--Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba is considering visiting ... the remote Tokyo island since a trip by Shinzo Abe in April 2013.
Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba is arranging to attend a memorial service later this month at the site of a fierce World War II battle with the United States on Iwoto Island, sources close to ...