Environment Canada has issued a wind warning for North Vancouver Island on Wednesday, citing wind of up to 90 kilometres per ...
The federal government will recognize Aboriginal title over the archipelago of Haida Gwaii off British Columbia's northern coast in a historic agreement with the Haida First Nation.
"Haida Gwaii belongs to you, the Haida people," he said, as the crowd cheered, clapped and rose to its feet. "This is only the beginning of a new chapter" between the Haida Nation and the Canadian ...
With every chisel strike, Haida carver TJ Young brought history to life with the 360-degree totem pole standing at the Sealaska Heritage Square &mdash.
Federal and Haida leaders signed a historic agreement Monday recognizing Aboriginal title over the archipelago of Haida Gwaii off British Columbia’s northern coast. “Haida Gwaii belongs to you, the ...
"Haida Gwaii was one of my first trips as Liberal leader. I can't think of any place more appropriate for one of my very last," Trudeau said, with emotion in his voice and tears in his eyes.
Haida Gwaii belongs to you, the Haida people, he said, as the crowd cheered, clapped and rose to its feet. This is only the beginning of a new chapter between the Haida Nation and the Canadian ...
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Haida Nation President Gaagwiis Jason Alsop sign documents during a community gathering to celebrate a land title agreement, in Skidegate, B.C., on Haida Gwaii ...
About 15 per cent of Haida Gwaii is owned, managed or used by the federal government, including a national park reserve and Haida heritage site. A further two per cent are owned by other parties.
A new provincial law introduced in Victoria aims to expand Naikoon Park in the northeastern part of the Haida archipelago by 104 hectares. “Indigenous people have been stewards of the water ...