We have a dangerously inefficient and fragile national electricity system that harms Canadian consumers and makes businesses ...
The U.S. Agency for Global Media journalists’ deep relationship with their markets means they were the canaries in the coal ...
Scientists observed electron swirls in tantalum arsenide, revealing quantum vortex structures in momentum space.
Now, researchers from the group led by Jürg Leuthold, Professor of Photonics and Communications at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, ...
The ASU team set out to develop the first compact X-ray free electron laser, or CXFEL. A dramatically smaller and less ...
Scientists have unveiled an innovative approach for synthesizing azaparacyclophanes (APCs), a class of highly advanced ring-shaped molecular structures with immense potential in material science.
Researchers have pioneered a new technology that could improve the efficiency and brightness of OLED displays used in ...
To help find solutions to the planet's climate crisis, MIT Associate Professor Daniel Suess is looking to Earth's ancient ...
As for wood, the amount burned for energy today is greater than at any time in history. Overall, burning wood supplies the ...
Individual EUV photons have a lot of energy, but there aren’t very many of them. Feature roughness depends on the interaction ...
Abstract Apart from conventional redox chemistries, exploring high-voltage anionic redox processes, such as pure oxygen or high-valent transition ...
Batteries are surging ahead and arriving in scale efficiency and cost five years ahead of the anticipated schedule. And even ...