Furthermore, France’s pursuit of strategic autonomy, even while still being part of NATO and the Western bloc, presents it as ...
Indonesia's participation in the Havana International Jazz Festival, represented by saxophonist Yuyun George, marked a significant cultural exchange and strengthened the diplomatic ties between ...
Does Indonesia’s industrial upgrading serve as a compelling model for the Philippines? Both nations rank among the wealthiest in Southeast Asia in terms of natural resource endowments.
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Arif Havas Oegroseno, spoke about the direction of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and the United States (U.S.) following Donald Trump's ...
Moreover, it will strengthen the international status and reputation of BRICS as a genuine voice of the Global South and [Indonesia, which is] the largest Muslim country," Russia's top diplomat noted.
Prabowo lalu menunjuk Sugiono menjadi Menteri Luar Negeri. Guru Besar Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia Dewi Fortuna Anwar mengkritik penunjukan Sugiono. Menurut Dewi, alih-alih memilih diplomat ...
BRUSSELS — The European Union must become transactional in its foreign policy and demand more respect for its own interests in exchange for its economic offerings around the world, the bloc’s top ...
Marc Gerritsen has been ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Indonesia, Timor-Leste, and ASEAN since 2024. ''Welcome to the website of the embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in ...
Jakarta tidak menduduki peringkat pertama kota tertua di Indonesia. Berikut daftar lima kota tertua di Indonesia. YPSP dengan Al Fahmi Institute meluncurkan buku 'Taufan Al Aqsa' karya Ustaz Fahmi ...
Timnas Indonesia berada di Grup C bersama Arab Saudi, Australia, China, Bahrain, dan Jepang. Timnas Indonesia memulai kiprah di putaran ketiga Kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2026 zona Asia dengan hasil ...
AFP becomes one of the main source for international news. We've got various news from around the world. I can say that AFP news content is diverse and credible, and they can fit with the ...
Bocah laki-laki di Pakistan terancam didakwa penistaan agama yang bisa membawa hukuman mati setelah dia dituduh mengencingi perpustakaan madrasah. TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Seorang bocah laki-laki berusia ...