Wolverine: Revenge #1 reimagines Colossus and Deadpool as members of the new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, putting a dark spin ...
Wolverine learns that the purpose of the X-Cutioners was to destroy humanity and the issue later introducing the Legacy 2.0 virus shows exactly how Stryfe planned on making that happen. Wolverine has ...
Here are the best of the best. -Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) after getting handcuffed to Colossus and chopping off his own hand, leaving it with a middle finger up. Naturally, Deadpool used his ...
DEADPOOL! CABLE! CHAMBER ... which introduced a diverse new team of X-Men including Wolverine, Storm, Colossus, and Nightcrawler. Unfortunately, Thunderbird died during one of their first missions.
Alessandro Cappuccio’s cover to Ultimate Wolverine #2 zooms into the face of Colossus, with Wolverine charging at him in the reflection. On first glance, the cover seems like a classic Ultimate ...