Câinii de talie mică sunt printre cei mai îndrăgiți companioni datorită personalității lor jucăușe și aspectului adorabil.
Michael Caine, who celebrates his 92nd birthday today, has an incredible back catalogue of films from across the decades to be proud of. But there is one that left him feeling seriously ...
Sir Michael Caine has had an incredibly prolific career, starring in over 160 films and making numerous TV appearances. The legendary actor, who celebrates his 92nd birthday today, retired in ...
Welcome back! The on-again, off-again relationship between the United States and Ukraine appears to be back on — for now. The United States has resumed providing military assistance and ...
Sir Michael Caine last night told how his daughter is trying to save her marriage exactly one year after the wedding. Friends say Natasha, 28, is on the verge of splitting from her husband Tim Scott.
Caine Pittman joins WDTV by way of Columbus, Ohio. He holds degrees from Otterbein University and Columbus State Community College. Caine started his career in television back in college.
Bebelușul a fost găsit mort de către mama sa și acoperit cu multiple urme de mușcături, potrivit rapoartelor mass-media. Un cîine rasa Teckel (șoricar) a atacat și ucis un nou-născut în timp ce ...
Proprietarii de câini, pisici sau alte animale din România trebuie să știe că pot face ani grei de închisoare dacă comit unele infracțiuni. Ce spune legea. Legea din țara noastră a devenit mult mai ...