Starring Nandamuri Balakrishna, Daaku Maharaaj wrapped its theatrical run with Rs 115 crore gross globally. Balayya is now gearing up for Akhanda 2.
"It’s clear… the kravin’ for Kraven is real," wrote the official X account for Kraven the Hunter in a post celebrating the ...
Despite a dismal run at the box office, Sony Pictures' Kraven the Hunter has been performing pretty well on Digital platforms ...
Founders had seen in the derelict halls of an old cineplex a chance for an alternative haven. Read more at
Few major movie franchises have produced as sustained a string of critical failures as Sony's Spider-Man Universe ... according to industry analyst Box Office Mojo. It gave an unrealistic ...
Hearts2Hearts is an upcoming SM Entertainment girl group and is all set to make their much-anticipated debut. The group has launched their first social media account and released several teasers.
Kraven the Hunter concept art revealed a scrapped Venom connection (and now I’ve got Spider-Man related FOMO). Kraven The Hunter flopped at the box office, continuing the legacy of other Sony ...
X-Men MCU reboot cast rumors are spreading across the internet, and new fan art imagines Euphoria actress Hunter Shafer as ...
Over the past few decades, comic book, superhero and action franchises have served as a launching point for many stars. But ...
Adrian Smith is retiring as president of domestic distribution at Sony Pictures, closing a 35-year run at the studio.