What did ancient Greeks wear in the winter? A natural question as all statues of Greeks in antiquity depict them dressed in ...
Meet the girl awakening a 3500-year-old Dynasty with her dresses and do-up's. Zhiluo is Chinese, and living in a very modern day Japan, but with her Hanfu wardrobe she looks like an ancient goddess ...
As early as 8,000 years ago the team found evidence that farmers were deliberately selecting their flocks – for example, for the genes coding for coat colour. Sheep have been intertwined with human ...
Mongolia. The agreement aims to promote the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) public-private development cooperation 'IBS-ESG Initiative' project. The project aims to establish a ...
SCIENTISTS have found an ancient royal tomb from 2,800 years ago filled with the remains of decayed horses. The site was found in Siberia and unearthed 18 horses found ritualistically sacrificed ...
which was the traditional hat of northern nomadic tribes from ancient times,” the archaeologists note. The difference in clothing is believed to be motivated by, and evidence of, segregation. The ...