Lawmakers in the Kentucky House passed a bill Friday morning that would give Kentucky’s legislative leaders the power to order police to arrest protesters who they believe are disrupting their work.
Healthcare workers in Kentucky would have the ability to legally opt out of procedures they object to on conscientious grounds under a bill that's passed the state Senate.
Senate Bill 75 was approved by a Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday and now heads to the Senate for a full vote before it's presented to the House.
State Senator Lindsey Tichenor introduced an amendment to the bill that would require all employees of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of state government to return to the office full time.
There’s an emerging consensus among many in the party... that Rocky would be the strongest candidate possible,” one Democratic strategist told the Herald-Leader.
Senate Bill 1, from Sen. Phillip Wheeler, would establish the Kentucky Film Office. The office would coordinate film production efforts between local offices and work to bring more film productions to Kentucky. FRANKFORT, Ky. — You can find reminders of ...