Many technology companies here in the LA area see real estate simply as a cost of doing business. After all, it's just a matter of finding the right size office, signing the lease and moving in. Or is ...
The price per share of the Series A Preferred Stock that the venture capital investor is willing to pay is equal to the pre-money valuation of the company divided by the total number of shares ...
When you start your company you need to decide what form of corporate structure you want to use. Depending on what you are trying to achieve, you might operate as a sole proprietor, form an LLC or C ...
Venture Capital: A Practice Guidebook for Capital-Seeking Business, Owners, Managers and Advisors is a complete book covering the basics of venture capital funding, including a overview of venture ...
Fortunately, it is possible to craft lucrative deals with BDCs that do not limit your venture’s ability to charter its own destiny. Just as Batman must avoid Poison Ivy’s kiss of death, so too must ...
"Uncle Saul" is a serial entrepreneur (who wishes to remain anonymous) who has led one IPO, was window-dressing in another and has executed several M&A transactions, all of which collectively ...
For the past 20 years, I have had a front row seat in watching the evolution of the angel and venture capital sector from both the legal and venture finance perspectives. I have witnessed how the ...
Once you have identified a solution to a problem, how do you decide if enough customers will actually buy it? Market research is the answer. Before you set up that corporation or LLC or race to ...
I've spent a reasonable amount of time thinking, over the Christmas break, of what types of startup companies succeed, what types raise funding, what types are capital intensive. It's also been ...
Yes, we are in a recession. Maybe not a textbook definition of one, but textbooks tend to be behind the times. So, we’re in a recession. You can feel it. You can see the change in the business climate ...
Three Keys to Obtaining Venture Capital is designed to help first-time entreprenuers understand the venture capital process and provides a useful step-by-step tool for creating a business plan.
The introductions of many business books are like compelling trailers for blockbuster movies that pique your interest and motivate you to see the movie. However, once you see the film, you realize ...