Despite suffering a minor setback earlier this week, the developer who is proposing to build a Dollar General Plus store in Coudersport has moved up plans for groundbreaking on the 12,500 retail ...
The Philadelphia Gay and Lesbian Theatre Festival has been canceled for 2010. The Seventh Annual Philadelphia Gay and Lesbian Theatre Festival (PGLTF) begins its loud and proud two-week run on June 11 ...
Potter County Education Council has launched a new program linking employers and schools to better prepare students for local jobs when they enter the workforce. PCEC has hired Bob Wicker, former ...
Virtually everyone who has to face the consequences of unlawful behavior is ordered to pay some type of fine, fees and/or related costs. Some do, and some don’t. Making those who fail to pay is a ...
Sinnemahoning Sportsmen’s Association members are pleased with the results of their fifth annual Coyote Hunt last weekend. Some 409 people from more than a dozen counties in Pennsylvania and two in ...
Three more crack cocaine dealers are behind bars in McKean County. A countywide drug task force apprehended Jennifer Heitzinger, Keith Murphy and Randall W. Smith, all of Bradford, and charged them ...
Wheels of justice often grind slowly in major criminal cases, so the scheduling of a preliminary hearing for schoolteacher-turnedkiller Greg Eldred is just another step in a long process. As it now ...
The Austin man accused of playing a key role in the murder of 18-year-old Sam Miller near Prouty State Park last June will spend the next 40 years behind bars if a plea arrangement between his lawyers ...
One supermarket chain is taking the “buy local” theme seriously. Tops Markets now sells produce from 200 local vendors in its 131 stores, up from the 150 members of its cooperative in 2009. The chain ...
It’ll likely be several months before Potter County Judge Stephen Minor hands down a ruling on whether or not the $400,000 that secured legal counsel for Jim Brown back in 2002 was a perk for being an ...
A pair of notable books that capture the history of the Austin flflood are heading to the press – just in time for the centennial observance marking the tragic dam failure of Sept. 30, 1911. Advance ...