++, strongly positive levels; ±, levels may be negative or moderately positive; −, negative levels. AFP, α-fetoprotein; GCT, germ cell tumour; HCG, human ...
Serum test marker Down's syndrome (trisomy 21) Edward's syndrome (trisomy 18) Neural tube defect ...
C, evidence from well conducted case control or cohort studies; D, evidence from non-analytic studies or expert opinion. RCPCH, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health; SIGN, Scottish ...
Type 1 diabetes Annually from puberty or age 11 years (whichever is earlier) with 2–5 years’ diabetes duration Annually from puberty or age 10 years (whichever is earlier) with ≥5 years’ diabetes ...
*This remains valid even for recently transfused patients. ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia; AUS, Australia–UK–Swiss.
(1) FBC (Full lood count), CRP (C reactive protein) Blood culture (soft tissue infections in neck) (2) Throat swab (bacterial pharyngitis) (3) Clotting screen (if bleeding disorders are suspected) (4) ...
Please refer to the main article regarding associations with mood disorders, inflammatory bowel disease.
Cow milk’s protein allergy. The table shows a summary of differentials to consider depending on the child’s age and clinical status.
Identification and treatment of triggers (constipation, gastroesophageal reflux, pain, orthopaedic, seating, anxiety) Multidisciplinary team approach Physiotherapy, occupational therapy, orthopaedics, ...
Every child diagnosed with ataxic cerebral palsy should be re-assessed carefully with a view to making a more precise diagnosis.
First-generation H(1)-antihistamines The most common adverse effect of the first-generation H(1)-antihistamines is central nervous system depression, with effects varying from slight drowsiness to ...
Increased parental confidence about child’s safety particularly in those with hypoglycaemia unawareness Sensor site skin irritations or adhesive problems ...