Strib Voices publishes a mix of commentary online and in print each day. To contribute, click here. ••• Free speech and ...
The FW de Klerk Foundation's latest report reveals alarming trends in South Africa's human rights landscape, urging citizens ...
Other countries on the watchlist include the Democratic Republic of Congo, Italy, Pakistan, and Serbia.
Civicus added the United States to their watchlist for a “narrowing” civic space rating; alongside Serbia, Pakistan, Italy, ...
The SCC’s recent decision found that Section 68 of Saskatchewan’s Correctional Services Regulations, 2013 violates sections ...
CIVICUS’s “narrowed” category means people in the country can exercise civil freedoms but there are occasional violations of those rights. It is the second-highest rating tier after “open.” ...
After an afternoon of standing in the rain, protesters lined up outside Springfield's Historic City Hall on Tuesday afternoon to advocate for protecting their freedoms, the environment ...
Pakistan has been placed on the CIVICUS Monitor watchlist, which lists nations with declining civic freedoms, due to the ...