Whipple disease is caused by a rare bacterial infection and usually affects the digestive system and joints. Whipple disease makes normal digestion difficult because the body's ability to break ...
Remain positive and don’t let this terrible disease grind you down,” says Graham, age 49, who had a Whipple procedure in 2009.
A diagnosis of Whipple's disease was made and the patient was initially treated with intramuscular ceftriaxone, 1 g per day for 10 days. He was subsequently changed to trimethoprim ...
Diagnosis: Anti-Ma2 paraneoplastic encephalitis in association with metastatic testicular cancer; initially misdiagnosed as CNS Whipple's disease. A 39-year-old man with remote traumatic brain ...
PanCAN offers tips and resources for patients and caregivers to maintain good nutrition through small and frequent meals.