Twitch now lets streamers turn off sub discounts, removing a way for viewers to save money when gifting subs in bulk.
These items will be distributed through using the platform's Twitch drop system, which tracks viewers' watch times as progression towards objectives. Five separate drops are available, with ...
Twitch streamer Zack 'Asmongold' Hoyt officially has the most-watched channel on the platform despite his many controversies.
And while Twitch says that only 0.5 percent of users will be affected by these new limits, gamers are warning that the move threatens to eradicate large swaths of recent gaming history from the ...
Twitch has made a long-awaited change to its reporting features, adding a new way to report streamers. But it could be controversial.
Twitch users will need to go in and download any Highlights and Uploads they want to keep as the platform is set to introduce a storage limit. Users with more than 100 hours of Highlights and ...