How heritage buildings can be part of the net zero movement while preserving their character.
Research examining the crucial but often overlooked role of household and community labour in Smart Local Energy Systems. Through workshops, case studies and policy engagement, the project will ...
Our response to the government’s review of Ofgem emphasises the need to redefine the regulator’s legal mandate and streamline its duties to better protect consumers and drive a fair net zero ...
We broadly support recent heat network regulation proposals, but recommend practical improvements to benefit consumers while ensuring financial viability. The UK government and Ofgem recently ran two ...
CSE wrote to energy minister, Ed Miliband, to highlight the principles we feel need to underpin the design of the Local Power Plan. On 28 February, CSE Chief Executive, Janine Michael, wrote to the ...
CSE champions social inclusion and fairness in the UK’s energy transition. To reach net zero targets, our energy system needs to become smarter and more flexible to accommodate high volumes of ...
So if you’re living in a cold or damp house, or your heating system is broken, or you’re struggling to pay your bills, we may be able to make things better.
Lawrence Weston is a post-war housing estate of 7,000 people five miles from the centre of Bristol. Deprivation levels here are amongst the highest in the UK, especially for skills, employment, health ...
A pioneering approach to community engagement on local renewable energy projects. Giving communities information, time and space to develop their own local energy vision. Unlock the power of community ...
If you understand how your heating controls work, you’ll save energy and money as you’ll be heating your home more efficiently. This page looks at various types of heating control. Your system won’t ...
Solid walls can be insulated internally (from the inside) and externally (from the outside). Both are significant undertakings in terms of cost and disruption. This page focuses on internal solid wall ...