If your pet suffers from anxiety, an unconventional solution may help to calm their nerves – it's really simple to do and ...
Jason Jones, 45, was sentenced Friday after previously pleading guilty to 181 counts of failing to provide dog training ...
A dog trainer has shared an unconventional method you should try if your pet suffers from anxiety – as it could really help ...
Indeed, a new survey from dog training app Hundeo has found that almost three-quarters (73%) of first-time dog parents feel ...
As a volunteer puppy raiser, you'll spend approximately one year working with a Future Leader Dog, developing the foundation ...
Research undertaken by a team of animal behavior experts at the University of Lincoln, UK, has revealed a game-changing ...
A dog trainer has claimed that we should be reading books to our dogs, as it could be vital for their mental health and can ...
People have been amazed by footage of tiny puppies being tested for their suitability as potential candidates for scent-based ...
There's been lots of conjecture online and in the neighborhood that the dogs involved in the maulings were trained to attack.
The school provides training sessions for dogs of all ages, aimed at creating a strong relationship and understanding between dogs and their owners.