In fact, Roger might even be present af Laugh Tale itself, crazy as that might sound to the fans, but looking a bit deeper into it, the idea makes a lot of sense. Roger's Body Is Nowhere To Be ...
This article contains spoilers for One Piece's Final Saga. Laugh Tale is vital to One Piece's story and may foil the World Government's plans. Despite its importance, the World Government hasn't ...
One Piece fans have been looking forward to Laugh Tale Island because it is the last one in the Straw Hats' journey, but Lodestar Island also has a very important role to play in the story. That ...
One Piece Reveals An Unexpected Stop in Roger’s Journey to Laugh Tale In Chapter 1125 of One Piece, Ivankov reveals the existence of four other giant bridges like Tequila Wolf named Bourbon Wolf ...
The island of Laugh Tale holds a massive amount of importance to the overall story of One Piece. Being the final island of the Grand Line and the home of the One Piece, the pirate to first reach ...