Premier Giorgia Meloni on Thursday arrived at the Elysee Palace in Paris where she was welcomed by French President Emmanuel ...
US President Donald Trump’s pivot toward Russia amid its war in Ukraine has collided with the stance of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s government, which has always shown unwavering support ...
The Paris summit of the coalition of the willing on Ukraine offered solid guarantees to Kyiv in the Euro-Atlantic context, ...
ROME (Reuters) - Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni finds herself playing a political balancing act as Europe moves to ...
The Italian prime minister is trying to act as a bridge between Europe and President Trump as doubts about U.S. commitment to ...
Vucic aveva messo minacciato arresti e pene ... La verità è che la maggioranza è spaccata sulla politica estera, con Giorgia Meloni e Salvini ormai piegati al trumpismo, e anche FI deve fare ...
(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 26 FEB - Alla vigilia del nuovo incontro domani a Bruxelles tra il presidente serbo Aleksandar Vucic e il premier kosovaro Albin Kurti, la premier italiana Giorgia Meloni ...
Negotiations between Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's right-wing government and Elon Musk's SpaceX over a Starlink deal reportedly worth $1.6 billion are sparking outrage in Italy's parliament.