Sementara, jika vaksinasi dilakukan dengan jenis vaksin Gardasil harganya mulai dari Rp1.200.000 sampai Rp1.300.000 untuk sekali suntik. Efek samping yang ditimbulkan cukup umum seperti sakit ...
The company said that sales range reflects a decision to halt shipments of Gardasil, a vaccine that prevents cancer from HPV, into China beginning in February and going through at least mid-2025.
March 11 (Reuters) - A federal judge ruled in favor of Merck (MRK.N), opens new tab in litigation accusing it of concealing the risks of Gardasil, a vaccine to prevent cervical and other cancers ...
A federal judge ruled in Merck & Co.’s favor in a safety lawsuit over its Gardasil vaccine, allowing the drugmaker to sidestep more than 200 cases claiming the company concealed safety risks.
Dalam pencegahan primer, dapat mencegah 70 hingga 90 persen kanker. Saat ini, ada tiga vaksin yang tersedia di Singapura: Gardasil, Cervarix, dan Gardasil 9. Saat menjelaskan beberapa keunggulan ...