Avocados, fatty fish, salad dressing, nuts and yogurt are high-fat foods that can support weight loss. Fat provides energy and help your body absorb some nutrients. Fat can help enhance flavor in ...
Healthy high-fat foods include avocados ... unless you see partially hydrogenated oil on the ingredients list. Human-made trans fats are very unhealthy. CLA may help protect against cancer ...
When you think of the "bad fats" -- the ones that can hurt your health -- you probably think of the saturated variety. They are the ones that can raise your levels of bad cholesterol, or LDL, as ...
Looking at nutrition labels can be confusing, as foods with high amounts of total fat won’t necessarily make you fat. Saturated fat and trans fat are two artery-clogging types that you should ...
The Burger King Bacon King is by far the unhealthiest burger on our list. Not only does it have the highest calorie count at 1,710, it also has the most saturated fat and the most sodium—with more ...
Trans fats are often hidden in food products we regularly have in our ... First and foremost, read labels. The shorter the ...
Trans fat: Trans fatty acids are shown to increase the risk of cardiovascular ... Many pizza and pasta meals cluster in the ...
Welcome to another installment of "Ask the Tokyo Dietitian,” where you can get expert insights on food and nutrition, ...
When you think of the "bad fats" -- the ones that can hurt your health -- you probably think of the saturated variety. They are the ones that can raise your levels of bad cholesterol, or LDL, as ...
Nuts were on the no-no list for weight loss for a long ... unsaturated fats to promote a good balance of fats in our diet. Likewise, trans fats are also a risk to your heart health, as they ...