What many people do not know is that they have a cousin that is significantly smaller. The Svalbard Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) lives in the Norwegian Svalbard archipelago ...
This behaviour has opened new horizons for these bears, as they have proven incredibly efficient in hunting the small, Svalbard reindeer. For a behaviour that was thought by many to be isolated ...
On the open tundra of Svalbard's plateaus and valleys, reindeer forage and arctic fox hunt free from predators. To the human eye, the terrain is stark, austere, unforgiving. More than half the ...
Researchers say climate change isn’t threatening reindeer on the Norwegian high arctic archipelago of Svalbard. Instead the populations in the region are thriving because of rising temperatures ...
She describes the fairytale-like magic of life in Svalbard, between the frequent North Lights and “friendly” reindeer that roam around the Longyearbyen village close to where she resides.
Reindeer vary in size but all types are surprisingly small. The largest subspecies of reindeer – the woodland caribou – is about 1.2m at the shoulder, whereas the thickset body and dumpy legs ...