For example, a store credit card can make a lot of sense if you shop often at a certain store. The Shop Your Way Mastercard®* aims to fill that role for the most loyal Sears and Kmart customers.
The card has no annual fee and comes with limited insurance. Sears offers a co-branded Mastercard through ith Citibank of ...
The former Sears Card tends to offer frequent — and lucrative — limited-time bonuses, but point redemptions are limited. Many or all of the products on this page are from partners who ...
My bank sends an electronic check to pay my Sears Citibank bill every month ... I can't wait to cut up my credit card and send it to them to put it where the sun doesn't shine.
We continue to sell and accept gift cards, and you can keep earning and using Shop Your Way points.” The company also says the bankruptcy filing will not affect the Sears Credit Card and Sears ...