Samhain, which took place on the night of October 31 to November 1, was seen as a period of great spiritual power. The Celts believed that during this night, the spirits of the dead returned to Earth.
Samhain, a Celtic pagan festival, marked the beginning of winter and was believed to be a night on which spirits could roam among the living. Following is a transcript of the video. Halloween is ...
As the leaves turn fiery and the air carries a chill, the season of Samhain approaches, whispering of ancient traditions and ...
It was thought that on Samhain spirits could pass from their world into ours. Gifts of food and drink were left out to keep the spirits happy. Candles and lanterns on gravestones at a Polish ...
was the festival ‘Samhain’ celebrating a belief that ‘the veil between worlds was thin’ and so the spirits of the dead could pass through and, without the proper rites, cause havoc.