Oxfordshire County Council said the salt barn at Deddington highways depot, near Banbury, along with a new fleet of gritting vehicles, will help keep roads safe during the winter. It can hold ...
Construction on a new salt and sand storage building at the Bartholomew County Highway Garage should be completed by the end of September.
As they went to get more salt from the barn, they found what they believed ... Sheriff's deputies spent most of Friday searching through other salt piles, but did not find anything, WBDJ reported.
NORWOOD, New York (WWNY) - The weight of snow brought down a privately owned salt barn Monday morning in Norwood. The barn’s owner, Dale Earl of Earl Salt Service said the barn was empty ...
Beginning next fall, county highway will no longer use the 40-foot salt barn at its previous headquarters at 2452 State St. Jim Shoaf, county attorney, read off the following four bids received ...