A symbol of the American West, the greater sage grouse is a large, ground-dwelling bird known for its spell-binding mating dances, in which the males inflate their chests to show off their strength.
An unlikely coalition is fighting to protect the Gunnison sage-grouse. Theresa Childers, wildlife biologist at Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, is poring over a red-and-blue map revealing ...
WASHINGTON— Conservation organizations submitted comments today blasting the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s draft amendment for 77 land-use plans across the western United States intended to protect ...
The Biden administration took steps Thursday to safeguard an iconic bird species of the Western United States — but did so in only two out of the 10 states where such protections were anticipated.
Sage grouse are strong fliers with recorded speeds up to 78 km hour Leks – the display ground used by males - can be 100s of years old, birds return to the same breeding grounds year upon year.