Roman sculptures fetch big bucks on the antiquities market, and nefarious art dealers learned they could ... showed the ...
This Roman head of a satyr from the collection of the Hunterian Museum was selected by Louisa Hammersley, postgraduate student at the Department of Archaeology, University of Glasgow. Louisa ...
This Roman metal fitment in the shape of head of Minerva was found at Castledykes Roman Fort, Lanarkshire, Scotland, and was picked by Helen Green, third year student at the University of Glasgow ...
This Roman sculptured head of a goddess was found at Bearsden Roman fort, Dunbartonshire, Scotland, and was picked by Kevin Grant, postgraduate student at the University of Glasgow (Archaeology).
This Roman metal fitment in the shape of head of Minerva was found at Castledykes Roman Fort, Lanarkshire, Scotland, and was picked by Helen Green, third year student at the University of Glasgow ...