VERNAL, Utah — A nearly complete skeleton of a red fox dating back to the Ice Ages has been unearthed in a northeastern Utah cave. A team of scientists from the Utah Division of State Parks and ...
"Nothing we found disqualifies red foxes from genetic rescue," said lead ... She is now a research biologist with the USDA ...
Unlike the red fox which prefers forest openings, meadows, and farmlands, the gray fox favors deciduous forests and brushy, rocky woodlands, but inhabits mixed forests and forest-farmland edges as ...
HABITAT: Sierra Nevada red foxes live in a wide range of remote, high-elevation alpine and subalpine habitats, including meadows; dense, mature forest; talus; and fell fields. Habitat use varies ...
Little red flying foxes are tree-dwelling bats. In daytime they can be seen roosting in giant camps that may include as many as a million individuals. The bats are indeed efficient fliers ...
Active mostly at night, Sierra Nevada red foxes spend winters in dens in earthen cavities in mature forest. They summer in high meadows, fell fields, talus slopes and shrub lands. They are adapted to ...