Either my stealing was a sin—or it wasn’t.
What does biblical confession mean and involve? I recently posted something on the social media about a pastor and his public ...
A. Confession is the telling of our sins to a duly authorized priest, for the purpose of obtaining forgiveness. Q. 777. Who is a duly authorized priest? A. A duly authorized priest is one sent to ...
The Hood River County Sheriff's Office has seized a station wagon believed to be connected to the Martin Family, who disappeared in 1958, and will now undergo a thorough investigation with assistance ...
Officials explained that the priest has failed to explain so far, how he got the murder conspiracy executed, who were the ...
The priest must and does refuse absolution to a penitent when he thinks the penitent is not rightly disposed for the Sacrament. He sometimes postpones the absolution till the next confession ...
Bill making clergy mandatory reporters of child abuse gains momentum, uniting lawmakers across party lines on critical issue.
The Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge has issued a statement decrying a decision by the Louisiana Supreme Court that could compel a local priest to testify in court about confessions he might have ...
Regarding John J. Miller’s review of “For I Have Sinned” (Books, March 1), I date my lapse from Catholicism to a priest’s too-forgiving reaction to a confession I made at age 14.