Once vanquished, an enemy ship and its cargo would be taken to a ... Those bearing a letter of marque couldn’t be considered a pirate, but treated as a prisoner of war. (Letters of reprisal ...
This week's Kickstarter roundup includes 'Pirates of the High Teas,' 'Computer Junkyard,' 'Artistry,' and more!
Sewerby Hall and Gardens is set to host an exhibition of brick models of pirates this summer. Twelve life-sized, swashbuckling models will be on display in the grounds of the hall near Bridlington ...
Ahoy mateys! It's time to set sail. Find some items around your home that you can reuse to make your pirate ship. Emma-Louise: Ahoy mateys! Let's make a pirate ship. First, find some items around ...
Pirate Yakuza Adventure Ahoy! Goro Majima ... and other scoundrels over a legendary treasure. Get Your Ship Together Assemble a one-of-a-kind crew while upgrading your ship as you explore the ...
Visitors to this year's event will be able to get up close to Captain Blackbrick and his shipmates, a mermaid, a shark, a treasure chest, a cannon and a pirate ship's wheel. People can also have ...