A reexamination of the earliest silver hoard found at Megiddo suggests it was likely deposited during or after Pharaoh ...
The banner year that started when Thutmose II's final resting place was identified in February near the Valley of the Kings ...
The tomb of Pharaoh Thutmose II is the first royal crypt discovered in recent years, and scientists have new powerful tools to analyze it.
He was husband and half-brother of the female pharaoh Hatshepsut, and father of Thutmose III, arguably ancient Egypt's greatest military leader. Thutmose was himself of royal blood as a biological ...
Archaeologists in Egypt have discovered the royal tomb of an unknown king who ruled the region during a tumultuous time 3,600 ...
The king's mummy and sarcophagus are missing from the royal tomb, which is the second of its kind unearthed this year ...
"This assumption was based on its proximity to the tombs of King Thutmose III’s wives and Queen Hatshepsut’s tomb, which she had originally prepared as a royal consort before ascending the throne as ...
This was based on its proximity to Queen Hatshepsut’s tomb and the tombs of King Thutmose III’s wives, explained Mohammad Ismail Khaled, secretary general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities ...
The tomb of King Thutmose II has been found, but what does this achievement mean? Is it an archaeological breakthrough of Tutankhamun proportions?
Dazzling Carvings of Egyptian Pharaohs Found in the River Nile Despite ... He was succeeded on the throne by his son, Thutmose III. As the first Egyptian royal burial spot uncovered in over ...
He was husband and half-brother of the female pharaoh Hatshepsut, and father of Thutmose III, arguably ancient Egypt's greatest military leader. Thutmose was himself of royal blood as a biological son ...