The cry of the rooster was one of the most familiar sounds in the life cycle of a first-century person, as common as the ...
With Jesus Baelo admitting to stealing a phone valued at KSh 68,500, the case has been scheduled for the reading of facts and ...
Jesus was having a conversation with the disciples ... Thirdly, he predicted that Peter would deny him three times, “I tell you that before the cock crows twice tonight, you will say three ...
When Jesus is arrested, Peter denies knowing him, and all the apostles desert him. The clue to Jesus' identity is what scholars call the "Messianic secret." Jesus is the Messiah, and he alone ...
Jesus looked intently at Peter for a moment and then said, "You are Simon, John's son - but you shall be called Peter, the rock!" John 1:42 Some Christians deny that the Pope, as successor of St ...
Peter turned and ran. His heart loved Jesus, witnessed His work, was able to lock eyes with Jesus, stated boldly, “Lord to whom shall we go,” and nevertheless in Jesus most painful moments of ministry ...
We can see the Jewish people thought that Jesus was John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah or another prophet. Peter, Jesus' closest disciple, was the one to speak up when directly asked “Who do you ...
Peter witnessed everything about Jesus Christ. He wit­nessed the Transfiguration ... For fear of being tortured, he even denied his Master three times. To crown it all he witnessed the empty ...