You can see three types of marginal signs in the left margin of the second column. One indicates change of speaker; the second indicates overlaps between the papyrus text and the tradition of ...
Related: 1,700-year-old oil lamp found in Jerusalem shows a rare Jewish menorah, even though the Romans tried to suppress the religion The court case referenced in the papyrus text centered on two ...
A badly burnt scroll from the Roman town of Herculaneum has been digitally "unwrapped", providing the first look inside for 2,000 years. The document, which looks like a lump of charcoal, was charred ...
deciphered text on a 2,000-year-old papyrus scroll, winning them $700,000 of prize money in the process. The scroll is just one of hundreds that were first excavated in 1752. Named the Herculaneum ...