Clueless about the substance, the locals revealed that only after the smell reached them, did they realize what it was.
A Wichita World War II Army Air Force Pilot, Herbert G. Tennyson, is coming home. His remains were found after being trapped ...
Radioactive spike found in Pacific seabed samples. It could be from space radiation or changes in ocean currents 10 million ...
This Google Maps image captured in 2021 revealed a mysterious, triangular dark patch in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, ...
Deep sea fisherman Roman Fedortsov reeled in an alien-like creature from the northern part of the Pacific Ocean and posted ...
New scans of the bottom of the Japan Trench reveal extensive burrow structures and evidence of regular "reset" events that ...
Members of the Wichita Fire Department had to the area surrounding the historic Commodore Apartments building after some ...
Organisms in the deep sea rely on gravity flows to lay down sediment and then make burrows beneath the seafloor, according to ...
Traces of organisms detected in sediments from 7.5 kilometers below the ocean surface reveal how organisms living in the deep sea are engineering their own environments. Analyses of sediment cores ...
Tropical cyclone activity is buzzing across the Southern Hemisphere with as many as six cyclones simultaneously spinning ...