When Stanford researchers began tracking a group of Loggerhead Sea Turtles, they were trying to answer a simple question about their migration pattern. Now, they've wound up generating far bigger ...
The rate of warming in the oceans has more than quadrupled since 1985, suggesting global warming in general has undergone a ...
According to scientists at the University of Reading, the global mean sea surface temperature (GMSST) is rising 400 percent ...
CPC and BoM monitor La Niña conditions, with ONI values indicating potential emergence, while ENSO remains neutral.
As the temperature dipped in the Northern Hemisphere over December 2024, a delayed La Nina weather event finally arrived in the tropical Pacific Ocean, say meteorologists. Marked by colder surface ...
Global ocean temperatures hit record highs for 450 days straight in 2023 and early 2024. Although some of the extra heat can be explained by an El Niño weather pattern emerging in the Pacific ...