Pigs will snarf as many truffles as they can, for one thing. They rip up the forest floor like cloven-hoofed bulldozers, ...
Dogs have been used in Europe for centuries to locate prized black and white truffles, which can fetch hundreds or even thousands of dollars a pound. In Oregon, using dogs to sniff out truffles is ...
A wagging tail is the universal sign of a happy dog, especially for a rusty golden retriever named Rye. It's his "tell-tail" signal he's found buried treasure. But this treasure is no pirate's booty.
Oregon truffles, black or white, are marble-to-golf ball-sized gems that complement a variety of culinary dishes. My personal favorite is the winter white truffle, Tuber oregonense, which I love ...
Heather and Hilary Rose Dawson trained their golden retriever, Rye, to sniff out wild Oregon truffles for scientific study. By rewarding him with his favorite toy for every find, Rye has quickly ...