Use extra caution. && Washington, D.C. — Old Order Amish in Warren County will no longer be required to use an electric component of a sewer system following a court's approval that will settle ...
A 22-year-old Amish man was injured when his buggy was rear-ended by a car in Sanilac County. The horse was found unharmed.
East of Intercourse in Salisbury Township, Route 340 stretches across a sea of farms, many of them owned by Amish families.
The driver, a 53-year-old man, stood beside it ... of the bus stopped to check if he was OK and said “he had hit an Amish buggy.” Deputies at the scene identified the carriage driver ...
Five people were hurt, including two children, when a horse-drawn Amish buggy was struck in Breckinridge County, officials ...