Avatar Kyoshi has become one of the most popular Avatars because of her secret power that isn't shared with any other Avatar.
Today, Nickelodeon announced that the Avatar saga (which began with The Last Airbender) will continue with Avatar: Seven Havens, a new 2D animated series co-created by Konietzko and DiMartino and ...
Fire and Ash's release this December, more concept art from the movie has been revealed along with confirmation that his ...
What stands out is that the new Avatar is no longer revered by society like her predecessors. If she's marked as "humanity's destroyer," we can probably assume that Korra was blamed for the events ...
James Cameron has been talking about Avatar 3’s runtime, revealing that Fire and Ash might be his longest movie ever.
The five-part Avatar saga continues three years after The Way of Water, with Avatar: Fire and Ash showing us a different side of Pandora. Here's what we know about Avatar 3. It's safe to say that ...
Also, James Cameron revealed that Avatar: Fire and Ash will begin with a title card after the 20th Century and Lightstorm logos that 'no generative A.I. was used in the making of this movie'." ...