However, that statement might no longer be true because of the neutrino—the particle that may be able to transcend dimensions that light cannot. The concept of the neutrino is significant to our ...
NEW YORK (AP) — A neutrino detector submerged in the Mediterranean Sea has sniffed out the most energetic ghost particle yet, scientists reported Wednesday. The newly detected neutrino is around ...
Un detector instalado en las profundidades del Mediterráneo ha detectado el neutrino más energético de los conocidos hasta ahora. Su origen es incierto, pero estas partículas podrían ayudar a ...
The first direct measurement of the size of the neutrino, a fundamental particle, suggests they are at least larger than an atomic nucleus – but they could potentially be trillions of times larger.
“Creemos que hemos descubierto el neutrino con más energía jamás registrado en la Tierra”, dijo Paul de Jong, físico en la Universidad de Ámsterdam y vocero de la colaboración global de ...
Neutrinos are born during extreme cosmic events. Scientists have managed to detect an ultra-high-energy neutrino, or 'ghost particle', that can change the way astrophysicists view the world.