Mariah, the Shih Tzu's owner, said, "if I physically look at him, he will think I'm calling him to come into bed with me." ...
All dogs want to be lap dog breeds. Most dogs like to cuddle and use climbing into their owners' laps as a chance to ...
Sleep studies have shown that people who share a bed with their dogs tend to wake up more often throughout the night. Dogs cycle between wakefulness and sleep multiple times per hour, which can ...
"Some dogs don’t react well to being woken up suddenly," explains Dr. MacMillan. "They might startle easily due to their ...
Initially, we crate-trained her, so she used to sleep in her own bed in the kitchen, but after my husband and daughter had Covid one time and were isolating away from me, I let the dog sleep on ...
This is also a good tip if you go away anywhere. I once went to a hotel with my Labrador Nell, but hadn’t taken a dog bed with me, so I took the fluffy shower mat from the bathroom and placed it in ...