Dareth Murphy took matters into her own hands when she saw a dog who had been left outside in the cold for years ...
READ MORE:Police help Murphy, a dog who got trapped in a jar after going for the last Milk-Bone CHECK OUT WPTZ:Get the latest Plattsburgh and Burlington news of the day. See the stories making ...
Murphy was sentenced to 12 weeks in prison, suspended for 12 months, and she was ordered to carry out 80 hours of unpaid work ...
"There is nothing like the joy you feel in that moment," a user said. Another added, "I would've immediately started crying." ...
SPRINGFIELD — A skating rink is at the center of controversy that’s now gone viral. A Fairborn mom brought her 6-year-old son ...
TikTokers have been moved to tears thanks to a heartwarming video documenting paralyzed golden retriever Murphy's special ...
These canines, called human remains detection (HRD) dogs, or cadaver dogs, found a place in disaster-related operations in ...
Maya and Murphy. It is on the abilities of these two five-year-olds that rest, at least for now, all hopes of finding the ...
This is the moment a woman who left her dog to die alone in a filthy house legged it out of court after her jail term was suspended. Stephanie Murphy, 35, admitted starving her pet Boxer to death ...