This course introduces statistical methods and techniques for multivariate data analysis. The course studies basic ideas underlying multivariate statistical methods and covers various applications of ...
An introduction to the theory and application of modern multivariate methods used in the Social Sciences: Multivariate normal distribution, principal components analysis, factor analysis, latent ...
Emphasis will be placed on achieving a conceptual understanding of the methods in order to implement and interpret the outcomes of multivariate analyses. The fourth number of the course code shows the ...
54, No. 6, Nov., 2009 Use of Long-Term Data and Multivariate O... Use of Long-Term Data and Multivariate Ordination Techniques to Identify Environmental Factors Governing Estuarine Phytoplankton ...
3 Produce visualisations of multivariate data using principal components analysis (PCA) and non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) using statistical software. 4 Perform analyses to relate two sets ...
If you request a place and meet the criteria you are likely to be given a place. An introduction to the theory and application of modern multivariate methods used in the Social Sciences: Multivariate ...