Wildlife enthusiast Derek Keith Burgoyne filmed a bull moose dropping both antlers simultaneously while on a visit to Plaster Rock in New Brunswick, Canada Kelli Bender is the Pets Editor at PEOPLE.
“Good elk antlers are big, and you can spot them from a distance ... “It was a truly remarkable animal that we called Moose,” he says. Unfortunately, Moose died due to another bowhunter’s mistake, and ...
Had the deer been killed (or found dead) by a hunter, Milo Hansen’s giant would be the No. 2 B ... a month later to retrieve them. The right antler from this set scores 98-4/8, and is currently ...
A giant moose shocked a Massachusetts town by stopping ... WATCH: Canadian Moose Sheds Both Antlers in Rare, Stunning Moment Caught on Drone Camera "To see it where I work and come here every ...
He creates a ground for the animal to stand on, then makes the animal’s legs, the rest of its body and antlers ... Artist uses footprints to create giant moose design in snow appeared first ...
Antlers are a big reason why many hunt for deer and elk ... Each year about this time, deer, elk, moose and other species lose or “shed” their antlers. This is where the name “shed antler ...