a mandate that increased the demand for relics across the Christian world. As relics were so vital and ubiquitous, much of the surviving medieval art that we have in the 21st century is in the form of ...
A 13th-century fresco rediscovered in Ferrara, Italy, provides unique evidence of medieval churches using Islamic tents to ...
1850–1750 BCE), faience and paint, 5 inches (12.7 cm) (image public domain via the Metropolitan Museum of Art) In northeast Sudan lies the Bayuda Desert, home to the Medieval Christian monastery ...
A 13th-century fresco rediscovered in Ferrara, Italy, provides unique evidence of medieval churches using Islamic tents to conceal their high altars ...
Photoshop tutorial showing how to carve luminous text into a rock wall creating an ancient medieval or biblical image. Rock wall background: <a href=" ...
"They thought there existed artistic continuity from the time of Christ so their use in a Christian context was more than justified. Christians in medieval Europe admired Islamic art without fully ...