An investigation of ethical responses to the dilemmas posed to the law by technological advances.
On these facts, disclosure of ex parte communications to both sides is sufficient to dispel an appearance of impropriety. (2) Where a JHO receives a signed letter from jurors, designated as a “formal ...
Threatening prosecution for political gain is a violation of legal ethics. [Quinta Jurecic: What will happen if the Trump administration defies a court order?] According to Sassoon’s own account ...
At its March 1, 2025, meeting, the VSB Council voted to approve changes to Rule of Professional Conduct 1.5. The proposed ...
Referral fees are commonplace in the legal profession where an attorney who refers a client to another practitioner will receive a “fee” at the conclusion of the matter for the case referral. While ...
The proposal would exempt the panels and boards that investigate alleged misconduct by legislators, judges and attorneys from a requirement to consult with the state commission during certain ...
DOJ lawyers pride themselves on working for an organization that is unique among federal agencies in its independence from politics—for now.