The cleverness in the Labour Party’s branding is that it was hardly clever at all. The party stuck largely to a one-word slogan that could be easily adapted. They used it across signage and ...
To receive full access to Campaign's content including: Unrestricted access to all The Information and The Knowledge content Access to Campaign's in-depth features and coveted reports including ...
In July of 1996 the draft manifesto was launched, under the slogan 'New Labour, New Life for Britain'. After polling the party's membership, Labour issued five early pledges: reduction of class ...
It's a theme which he has stuck to since. The Labour Party's slogan for the 2022 general election was Malta Flimkien (Malta Together) as Abela tried to drive home the point that the country works ...
You don't have to look far at Labour's annual conference in Brighton to see badges and T-shirts with the slogan "never kissed ... on committees and swap cross-party gossip in the bars and ...
But he will add that slogans such as "growth, growth, growth" must be backed by action on strategy and policy. "To get growth going, we must get the flywheel of the economy turning," he will say.